
Is Lane Splitting & Filtering Legal in Texas?

PUBLISHED ON: June 5, 2024    LAST MODIFIED ON: August 29, 2024

If you ride a motorcycle, you might have come across the terms “lane splitting” and “lane filtering.” These controversial practices have sparked debate among motorcyclists and drivers. Many people wonder—can you lane split in Texas? Learn exactly what lane splitting and lane filtering mean, the risks involved, and whether they’re legal in Texas.

What are Lane Splitting and Lane Filtering?

Lane splitting is when a motorcyclist rides between two lanes of slow-moving or stopped cars, such as in a traffic jam. Lane filtering refers to moving through traffic at a slow speed to reach the front of the line at a traffic light.

Group of friends riding motorcycles on Houston road

Why Do Motorcyclists Lane Split or Lane Filter?

Motorcyclists engage in lane splitting and filtering for several reasons:

  • Save time by navigating through heavy traffic more quickly.
  • Avoid being hit from behind in stop-and-go traffic.
  • Prevent the motorcycle engine from overheating.

The Risks of Lane Splitting and Lane Filtering

Despite the potential benefits, these practices are risky:

  • Drivers may be caught off guard when a motorcycle zooms past them, increasing the chance of a collision.
  • The narrow space between vehicles can lead to accidents if a car swerves or changes lanes suddenly.
  • The risk of a crash increases if the motorcyclist travels much faster than the surrounding traffic.

Is Lane Splitting Legal in Texas?

No, lane splitting is currently not legal in Texas. Neither is lane filtering. As of September 1, 2023, the state legislature officially banned lane splitting. HB-4122 states, “The operator of a motorcycle may not operate the motorcycle between lanes of traffic moving in the same direction or pass a motor vehicle while in the same lane as the vehicle being passed.”

The only state where lane splitting is explicitly legal is California. Even so, riders are encouraged to keep their speed below 30 miles per hour, or no more than 10 miles per hour faster than the surrounding traffic. Other states have ambiguous laws that leave room for interpretation, but the rules are clear in Texas.

Safety Tips for Motorcyclists in Texas

In addition to avoiding lane splitting and filtering, motorcyclists should take these additional steps to stay safe:

  • Always wear a helmet, gloves, and protective clothing to minimize injuries in an accident.
  • Wear bright clothing and use your headlights, even during the day.
  • Maintain a safe distance between yourself and other vehicles.
  • Be extra cautious at intersections, where most motorcycle accidents occur.
  • Obey speed limits and other traffic laws to reduce the risk of collisions.

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Did you get into an accident while lane splitting or lane filtering in Texas? Nava Law Group can help protect your rights, whether you or another motorist was at fault. Over the years, we have helped over 40,000 injury victims and their families seek compensation for medical bills, property damage, pain and suffering, and more. Contact us at 713.661.9900 to schedule a free consultation with a motorcycle accident attorney in Houston, McAllen, or Corpus Christi, TX.

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