
Our Blogs

Why Are Motorcyclists at Higher Risk of Accidents In Texas?

According to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, there are nearly 500,000 motorcycles registered throughout the state. And although motorcyclists are commonly associated with thrill-seeking, accidents can occur even when

Determining Negligence After A Texas Boat Accident With Injuries

As the State of Texas expands efforts to lift closures and restrictions put in place to combat COVID-19, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department has reported an uptick in boating activity,

Can Injured Patients Pursue Medical Malpractice Cases During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

At the Nava Law Group, P.C., our attorneys applaud our healthcare workers and support each doctor, nurse, and support staff member whose brave efforts and long hours are helping keep

Houston Personal Injury Attorneys Dedicated to Creating Solutions During COVID-19

With support from our Houston Mayor, Sylvester Turner, Harris County Judge, Lina Hidalgo, extended the stay-at-home order through April 30, as cases of novel coronavirus infections continue to rise throughout

Texas Personal Injury Laws & Statutory Rules

At the Nava Law Group, P.C., our Houston personal injury attorneys understand that our Texas laws and statutory rules can be complex and confusing — especially after you have been

How Do Truck Accident Claims Work in Houston, Texas?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported an average of 500,000 large truck accidents last year across the nation, which resulted in over 130,000 injuries and nearly 5,000 deaths; 620

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