
Suffered a Birth Injury?

Birth Injuries Attorney in Houston, Texas

At the Nava Law Group, P.C., our Houston birth injury lawyers know the challenges parents face when their child’s delivery process does not go as planned. While many unexpected events can take place during the delivery, it is up to the medical professionals to provide solutions that keep both mom and baby safe.

When negligence by a Texas OB/GYN, nurses, or other hospital staff replaces the standard duty of care required to safely deliver a baby, birth injuries often result.

If your child has suffered a birth injury in a Harris County medical facility, searching for birth injury lawyers near me will result in thousands of results. Our birth injury attorneys in Houston can help provide specific legal solutions that will allow you to focus on nurturing your child while we manage the details of your case. Because you have enough to worry about.

What are the Most Common Types of Birth Injuries That Occur in Houston, Texas Medical Facilities?

Last year there are approximately 3.7 million births recorded across the county.

The Centers for Disease Control estimated seven out of 1,000 resulted in injury, averaging 28,000 birth injuries each year.

At the Nava Law Group, our Houston birth injury lawyers know that is 28,000 too many.

Common birth injuries may include, but are not limited to: 

  • Bone fractures
  • Caput Succedaneum
  • Brachial Plexus Palsy, also known as Erb’s Palsy
  • Cephalohematoma
  • Brain injury and/or damage
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Bruising and forceps marks
  • Facial paralysis
  • Intracranial hemorrhage
  • Head and Neck Injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Lacerations, scratching, or scarring
  • Paralysis
  • Oxygen deprivation
  • Perinatal asphyxia
  • Subconjunctival hemorrhage
  • Spinal cord injuries

We understand that when a child is injured in the first few seconds of their lives, it can change the trajectory of their health and well-being going forward.

Birth injuries often require time, money, and medical resources that are unobtainable to most families in Texas.

Our birth injury attorney in Houston helps parents pursue the financial recovery they are entitled to during a medical malpractice claim against the negligent healthcare provider, facility, or multiple parties that are liable for their child’s birth injuries.

How Do Birth Injuries Occur in Houston, Texas Medical Facilities?

At the Nava Law Group, our birth injuries attorney in Houston know that it is difficult for parents to understand how these life-changing circumstances can continue to occur.

Unfortunately, even with all the medical advances and technology that are available in Texas hospitals, medical facilities, and birthing centers, medical malpractice is typically the cause of birth injuries throughout the state.

That can include medical circumstances that include:

  • Inadequate staff and unavailability of physicians
  • Epidural anesthetic
  • Cesarean section delivery due to lack of progress
  • Difficult labor
  • Improper use of forceps or vacuums
  • Contractions stopped or slowed
  • Fetal anomalies
  • Induction or acceleration of labor through medication
  • Lack of Staff Competency
  • Insufficient Fetal Monitoring
  • Miscommunication between the medical staff
  • Prolonged or rapid labor
  • Poor labor and delivery management

Serious birth injuries caused by physical trauma or failure to monitor the mother or infant during pregnancy can lead to lifelong injuries and/or ailments that require expensive treatment regimens that change our residents’ lives forever.

You do not have to pursue the physician or facility responsible for your child’s birth injuries on your own. We can help.

Contact our skilled Houston birth injury lawyers today to learn more about your legal rights and options to pursue the financial recovery you will need to improve your child’s quality of life now and going forward.

What Type of Financial Compensation Can I Pursue During a Birth Injury Medical Malpractice Claim in Houston, Texas?

Each of our client’s birth injury cases is unique. That means we must outline your child’s overall medical needs, and how long they will require ongoing care.

While some babies can outgrow a birth injury, others are left with lifelong consequences that can jeopardize the family’s financial standing.

Our skilled Houston birth injury lawyers will assess your case and pursue each of the following financial recovery options that apply to your unique circumstances, including:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages incurred by the parent(s)
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • The child’s partial or full disability
  • Physical and mental pain and suffering
  • Diminished quality of life

At the Nava Law Group, P.C., our dedicated medical malpractice lawyers in Houston know how difficult it is to nurse a child back to health after he or she has suffered a birth injury. You do not have to do it alone. We can help.

Contact Our Skilled Birth Injury Attorneys in Houston, Texas Today For Help

If you or your child has suffered an injury during delivery, contact our experienced Houston injury lawyers at the Nava Law Group, P.C. today by calling (713) 218-2400 to discuss the details of your case during a free consultation.

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